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bloody Halloween table

This conceptual “bloody table” design by French designer John Nouanesing would make a killer Halloween decoration. It’s not available for purchase, but you could probably make your own version.

wooden dowels for bloody Halloween prop table
Either start with an old table you already have and remove the legs or get a piece of plywood. Attach some skinny wooden dowels as table legs. For the blood effect try liquid latex or spray foam (expanded polystyrene). Around the edges of the table it looks like craft foam might be the best option for easy shaping.

But as with all DIY Halloween projects, there are probably many methods of making it look amazing. Just experiment and see what you come up with. If you make your own Bloody Table, leave a comment and let us know how it turned out!

Posted on October 3rd, 2008 in
Halloween Decor by Lauren
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3 Responses to 'Bloody Table Halloween Decor Idea'

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  1. Teri said:

    I love the Bloody Table…it almost looks like it’s floating.

    on October 23rd, 2008

  2. AllHallowSteve said:

    Now THAT is a TABLE.
    Seriously that is fantastic.

    Also: your site is GREAT! I just found it! From one Halloween Addict to another, keep up the great work!


    on October 7th, 2008

  3. Abandoned Toys said:

    That table is absolutely wonderful. Seems pretty simple to make too. Very cool idea.

    on October 4th, 2008

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